Upcoming Events Periodically we offer presentations to introduce the Diamond Approach to interested individuals.These events are open to the public, which means anyone is welcome without previous experience of the Diamond Approach and without making a commitment beyond the particular event. From time to time these events will include short public talks, introductory evening and weekend presentations, meditation days and book study groups. For information on upcoming events, or to join our event mailing list, contact hawaiidiamondapproach@gmail.com. Free Online Intro Talk:
Why the Inner Critic Sabotages Growth February 15, 2023, 6:30-9:00 pm The inner critic (also called the "superego") is a structure that develops in childhood as the mind develops. It's based on the values of our caregivers and society. For some it's a helpful coach, for others a persecuting tyrant. Although it had a developmental purpose in childhood, as we grow and mature we want to live our own lives, not carry around the milieu of environments we've tried hard to outgrow. The problem is, the inner critic actively works against our efforts to grow, whether psychologically or spiritually. We must reckon with this force if we are to truly know ourselves and follow our soul's unfolding. Understanding the nature of the inner critic and its restrictive tendencies is the first step. If you are inspired to do a deeper dive and to learn the Diamond Approach methodology to free yourself from the inner critic, we will be offering a spring workshop series, details forthcoming.
There is no fee for this introductory talk but advanced registration is required by February 12 so that we have time to send you the Zoom link. To register, contact hawaiidiamondapproach@gmail.com
New Diamond Approach Group We are in the process of forming HDA4 which is open to new students. HDA4 is a long term group that meets 3-4 times a year, taught by Ursula McCall and Anne Hoff, ordained teachers in the Ridhwan School.
We will be offering a number of roll-out public events for you to experience the Diamond Approach before joining. For more information contact: |